Friday, April 2, 2010

Principles of Yoga

I am about to voyage onto my first Yoga retreat in India! I am so very thrilled but also a little bit afraid...but as they say, fear is just  masking the feeling of excitement!

On my yoga retreat...I will not only be partaking in the Asanas of yoga (the movements that we know as vinayas and 'poses') but also the principles of yoga. 

There are four principle forms of Yoga :

Karma Yoga - Uniting with the Supreme Self through "Work"
Gyana Yoga - Uniting with the Supreme Self through "Knowledge"
Bhakti Yoga - Uniting with the Supreme Self through "Devotion"
Raja Yoga - Uniting with the Supreme Self through "Psychic Control"
"Patanjali" was the first Philosopher and Teacher who made "Yoga" a proper scientific discipline. Yoga is being practiced in India since the last 5000 Years. The "Ashtanga Yoga" of Patanjali consists of Eight Limbs with the help of which, one can attain Realization.

The Eight Limbs are:

  • Yama (Restrain)
  • Niyama (Self Discipline)
  • Asana (Posture)
  • Pranayama (Breathing exercises for the Lungs)
  • Pratyahara (Withdrawal)
  • Dharana (Concentration)
  • Dyana (Contemplation)
  • Samadhi (Transcendence)                  I am sure this will be a wonderful journey to India! I will have heaps and heaps of stories and footage upon my return! I am so excited to share it with everyone! Namaste!

1 comment:

Dori Jennings said...

I am so excited to hear about your experience when you return :)