Saturday, February 27, 2010

Holi Holi Happy Holi! Om Shanti!

Holi Holi Happy Holi to all!
Holi is the Hindu celebration of Color! Every year it is celebrated on the day after the full moon in early March and glorifies good harvest and fertility of the land.

Holi festival has an ancient origin and celebrates the triumph of 'good' over 'bad'. The colorful festival bridges the social gap and renew sweet relationships. On this day, people hug and wish each other 'Happy Holi'. People rub 'gulal' and 'abeer' on each others' faces and cheer up saying, "bura na maano Holi hai". Holi also gives a wonderful chance to send blessings and love to dear ones wrapped in a special Holi gift. 
"Don't Mind, It's Holi!"
"During Holi, practices, which at other times could be offensive, are allowed. Squirting colored water on passers-by, dunking friends in mud pool amidst teasing and laughter, getting intoxicated on bhaang and reveling with companions is perfectly acceptable. In fact, on the days of Holi, you can get away with almost anything by saying, "Don't mind, it's Holi!" (Hindi = Bura na mano, Holi hai.)"
There are a few stories that signify the celebration of Holi:
"This story is about Kamadeva, a god of love. Kama's body was destroyed when he shot his weapon at Shiva in order to disrupt his meditation and help Parvati to marry Shiva. Shiva then opened his third eye, the gaze of which was so powerful that Kama's body was reduced to ashes. For the sake of Kama's wife Rati (passion), Shiva restored him, but only as a mental image, representing the true emotional and spiritual state of love rather than physical lust. 

The Holi bonfire is believed to be celebrated in commemoration of this event. Holi is a festival of radiance (Teja) in the universe. During this festival, different waves of radiance traverse the universe, thereby creating various colours that nourish and complement the function of respective elements in the atmosphere. "

So how ever you choose to celebrate this day...let it be filled with color and a childlike sense of play that exudes the radiance and sensual beauty of living on this earth! Om Shanti!

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