Thursday, May 6, 2010

Favorite Part of the Day

Its always either a cab driver or bus boy who makes my day. Whether they are from Pakistan or Mexico...anywhere in the world, it does not matter...but they are not from the US. And most people dont even ask their name or acknowledge they exist...but they are vital to our existance. Ramon, Muhammad, Sammy and Ivan...they all have these small jobs that mean a big deal to their journey and family.

Tonight, when Muhammad picked me up in the cab...I greeted him with "Asalamaulecom" - knowing that anyone named Muhammad (PBUH) must be Muslim... and he replied "Waalecumasalam". As I was deep in conversation with my friend in the cab I heard him humming a tune of a song. I asked him what it was and he said "music from his country". "Where is that?" I asked. and he said Pakistan. "Oh joy! I just love Qawwali music!Especially Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan! He exlaimed..."that is who I was singing" and continued to sing his songs lounder and I chanted along when i could. We talked about Pakistan and the food and music, culture and there and here. We talked about how I just got back from India and he was so happy for my trip there and spoke very highly of India.

What a treat. By the time I arrived at my was sad to part with my new friend. And he thanked me for being so kind, especially to his homeland.

All I could say was bismillah al-rahman al-rahim!

The "little people" are truly the blessed ones.

Go out and be an American Gypsy! Its lovely!

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